
Well, it has been quite some time since my last post, I do apologise. A crazy mixture of starting a business with my cousin, putting my back out (no, I am not a 50 year old man), assessment centres, and general life, has disrupted my blogging schedule.

So, to business! I would like to talk to you a bit about our new business venture:


My wonderful cousin and I have always been close, and starting a business together at some point was just always going to happen. As little ones, we always dreamt of the stage, but then we realised that one could not simply force other people into wigs and roles, like we did with our younger brothers, and make them work long hours with no breaks, and then force the audience (parents) to watch the plays repeatedly. So, we decided to channel our creative tendencies elsewhere. After declaring bankruptcy for our rose water perfume business, and after the dissolving of our scooby doo bracelet venture, we gave up for about 15 years. Cue countless ideas, two degrees, and a lot of interning on my part later, and about a month ago, we were both at a stage where we could try again.

I was sitting watching Mumford and Sons music videos on Youtube, when I had a sudden spark of inspiration. After the initial "we should make music videos!" message I sent to George, the idea of festival accessories came about. This then progressed into our hand crafted flower garlands idea, and the rest is (very recent) history.

We have worked our asses off for the last month. Working 14 hour days in flowery conditions, we have at times gone a little stir crazy. My back has suffered badly, and GG's feet keep swelling up, but my goodness are we having fun! Garland making has been interspersed with heavy periods of administration, spreadsheets, website building, useless insurance people, and social media implementation. We have discovered that neither of us can rap, and that when we are together, it works when one of us starts a Pitch Perfect sing-a-long, but when in company nobody else joins in (which can be quite embarrassing). SHORTY GET DOWN, GOOD LORD....silence.

Our garlands are quite fabulous too, if I do say so myself. I design each one, and then we both carefully construct and quality check each. They never leave our sight if they don't reach our high standards. We have developed them to fit all shapes and sizes of heads, and we finish them to look great from the front and back, with yellow ribbons for the ones I have made, and orange for the ones Georgia has constructed.

We are learning so much too: mainly, setting up a business, even if it is a creative one that you love doing,  is bloody hard work, and involves a lot more risk than you might at first think. We have put everything we have into this, and we are looking forward to seeing the rewards! For now though, our online store is nicely ticking over, and we are getting ready for an exciting festival at the beginning of August! We want to get our garlands on some of the amazing acts that will be attending.

So, support us if you will!

Like our Facebook: www.facebook.com/floreola
Follow us on Instagram: floreola_garlands
Visit our online store: www.floreola.bigcartel.com

Anyway, a post would not be a post without some photos, so here I am wearing a flowery outfit, as that is obviously my jam now.


Garland from floreola.bigcartel.com

Top from Primark

Skirt from ASOS 
It's in the sale!Go go go!

Shoes from New Look

The bag is from Spain

The ring and bracelets were my Grandma's

The necklace is from ASOS.
It was a present from a bezzie of mine, who has a matching one!



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