Denim love.

Although I am so grateful for my Vintage valuables and my second-hand saviours, I am really really glad that I am a collector (hoarder) like my Grandma. I prefer organised chaos to clean and tidy, and I definitely prefer a wardrobe that could potentially house Narnia without me ever knowing, than a sparse wardrobe with "staple pieces" (although I do have those in there...somewhere...).

I recently thanked myself from the Past when I came across a Miss Sixty denim jacket that I bought from a retail outlet when I was 14, and have never been able to part with it. I have been through many phases with this jacket, including one where it wouldn't fit because I became addicted to the Gym, but now it sits proudly in my wardrobe awaiting flirty Summer days!

I know that everybody needs to refresh their wardrobes every so often, and certain pieces should be thrown or given away, but if you have a piece that hurts to part with...KEEP IT! Especially denim, that will always come back into fashion.


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