It's a Man's World

I went through a phase, about seven or  eight years ago, where I wore a lot of men's tops. I think I got it from my Mum, who always looks amazing in a loose fitting shirt and trousers combo. In Spain, a casual shirt was perfect for the transitional seasons, or in the evening. Then I had my Uni crisis in first year, when I wasn't sure whether I wanted to continue looking different to everyone else, or whether to go the ultra girly (short and tight) route to grab attention. Thank god style won that very brief battle.

So, as I was looking for items in (one of) my wardrobe(s) the other day, I was very pleasantly surprised to find my lovely big stripey shirt from H&M men. Sometimes, you just want to dress simply, and this is exactly what this shirt allows. No fuss, no worrying about whether your bum/belly/arms look big in something, just pure, comfortable, hassle-free chic. Bliss.

Just a cautionary note however, if a man's shirt completely engulfs you, try a "boyfriend" shirt specifically made for women. One problem you can encounter with a man's shirt is with the shoulders, not a problem I find, but if you have dainty female shoulders, it may turn into a pantomime-type scenario.

Wear your shirt with skinny black, white, or light denim, or with my new best friend: the peg leg. Try not to wear with tiny shorts (a la me the other day), you will get people staring at you as if you were wearing a kilt: the are they there or aren't they? debate.

It also makes you feel all smug and arty. Enjoy.

Shirt from H&M men

Jeans from Primark

Boots from ASOS
It's all about white shoes this Summer!

The necklace was a present from my Grandma.

The bracelet was a present from my Godmother.

The pearl ring was made for me for my 21st, and the glass ring is from Accessorize.

Sunglasses from Mango.


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