What inspires me?

I have just been sat here thinking of my favourite Friends outfits, and I just had a thought, I mean, I know I definitely think about clothes more than most people, it is my job after all. But, do other people watch their favourite episodes, pause the screen, and take photos on their phones of the outfits that they just must remember? I certainly do. I am also known to hoard hundreds of magazines that probably contain only one or two outfits that I cannot be without. Oh, and I make many, many mood boards, and computer files, and have you seen my Pinterest?!

I feel like I am answering my own question here, but I am always interested to know how other people view fashion, and whether at least a few of your hearts skip a few beats when you watch one of the middle series of SATC, and Patricia Field has done it yet again! I am seriously sat here having a mini fit thinking about a particular favourite opera coat combo that SJP wears in one episode. Anyway. I have been told by my friends, and boyfriend, that it is only I that am this obsessed, but I know that can't be true.

There are many situations, objects, series, movies, people, and experiences that inspire me. Not only that, but I can watch the same thing/ walk past the same thing multiple times, and it might be that I am in a different mood one day, or something has happened, and I can suddenly fall head over heels for it, despite never really thinking about it before. I have hated trends for years, polo necks for instance, and then this season, what am I coveting? You guessed it! Bring me that perfect black polo neck please!

I have always thought that my chosen superhero power would be to fly, but imagine if you could see somebody wearing an outfit or imagine it in your head, and then be wearing it the next second?! While you lot are all flying around in the sky, I would be looking fabulous while I take ten times as long getting to my destination.

I started this blog with the best intentions, but of course I have flown (walked stylishly) off on a tangent. All I want to do now is watch Friends and SATC. Next time you watch your favourite show, spare a thought for me, who will take twice as long to watch it, while also clogging up my phone memory..


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