Panic at the disco (kitchen)

Today, I discovered I am a bit of a panic eater. In the course of this morning, I have eaten a huge bowl of cornflakes, two handfuls of crispy M&Ms, an olive, an apple, a chunk of cheese, and half of a ryvita. I have also had a cup of suspicious looking instant coffee (I found it in the back of the cupboard), and I hardly ever drink the stuff. The only reason I haven't cracked open the packet of popcorn that is on top of the cupboard, is I know I will have to eat the whole thing, and then hide the evidence before everyone gets home...

Ok, so now I am sat here eating popcorn.

Anyway, moving on from my psychological issues.. I decided that I would treat myself to a new dress for my birthday night out. After having a moment of madness in Zara, where I bought a full length lace dress, which is completely stunning, but also completely see-through, I was persuaded by my boyfriend (I hate it when he's right) to think about different, more sensible options. So, I ordered five more dresses. Yes..five. I have a problem.

To cut a long story short, after trying each dress and shoe combo on about 60 times each, I settled on the one I had felt good about all along. Here it is!

Faux fur coat from ASOS

Dress from the Peace+Love collection at Missguided

Mint patent pointed courts from New Look
It is ALL about the pastels this Spring/Summer!

DANCE necklace from ASOS
It did read DANE for the first few hours because the C fell off. Not the best of looks.

Clutch from New Look

Bracelets from ASOS

Sunglasses from Mango
Oh they are so beautiful! 

I have just realised that I didn't explain why I was panic eating! It all comes from breaking into the fashion industry. Sometimes it's a real mare!


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