
Oh dear me, I've done it again haven't I? To be fair, it's been a pretty strange few weeks, and the weather has not exactly been fantastic for the ol' photo taking.

Anyway, enough of the excuses. I started up an Instagram account the other week, and I do believe it was made for me! I am forever taking photos of anything that catches my eye! I am that person. Yes it might be pouring with rain, and we have two muddy dogs that are charging towards us through the flood water, and yes there is probably some kind of vehicle coming towards us at great speed/ a crowd of stumbling tourists gaining/ the train is going to leave without us, "but if I could just crouch down and get this perfect picture of a daisy..."

I am editing myself though. I will not be the person that takes a photo at the gym before I work out with a caption saying "Now to lose some weight for holiday!" #fat #needtoloseweight #iate toomuchatchristmasandimstilltryingtoloseit #COMPLIMENTME!!!, so that people can say "You sooo don't need to lose any weight babe." etc etc. Although it would be nice...

...I'm trying to shape up by the way (you can leave comments below).

So, these next pictures were taken inside because lo and was raining. I cannot wait until my birthday in a week, so that I can get my hands on a snazzy new camera!!!

Completely and utterly failing on the FOB (fashion bob) here. Although it worked at work last week! Tuck your hair into your jumper/scarf for a bob without the scissors!

The jumper was my Grandma's.

The trousers are from H&M. 
They would be so great if only they didn't bag really quickly.

Albert cut-out ankle boots from ASOS.

Bracelets from ASOS.

The bird ring is from H&M, and the heart is the back of a broken ring I had.

The shearling coat was an absolute steal from East End Vintage.


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