Layer Cake

So..very..cold.. I am visiting the parentals for a long weekend in the country. Yes, the fresh air is wonderful, and yes seeing the dogs is warming the cockles of my heart. But as for the cockles of my..well my limbs, and torso, and head, they're freezing! I am just starting to get the feeling back in my fingers after a yoga session in my room. I got all kitted out in shorts etc. and then had to wear my padded lumberjack jacket on top!

And so to layers, which are the best way to survive in this country. The big coat for protection from the elements, the jumper for chilly houses, the over-sized shirt for when you want to look cool in the right way, and also, in my case, the stubborn layer of evidence that I may have eaten one too many mince pies at Christmas. 

Take it from me though, do not attempt socks-only in Winter. The other bloggers may look cool, but it is flipping freezing! Maybe wait a couple of weeks. I am loving my £3 Shearling coat from East End Vintage though!

Shearling Coat from East End Vintage

Denim shirt (just seen) from East End Vintage

Over-the-knee socks from somewhere!

Platforms from Topshop

Clutch from New Look

Beaded bracelet from Carcassonne

Tribal bangle from Primark
Get ready for "Gap Yah" style/ luxe traveler style to be big in Spring/Summer. Layer up bangles, friendship bracelets, and colourful string for an on-trend colourful look.

Cupcake and Teapot necklaces from ASOS

Heart ring from Primark

The silk scarf is vintage and was my Gradma's.


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