Print me up!

What a great few days I have had! I have partied like it's my birthday (because it was), I have eaten my body weight in bad-but-sooooo-good food, I have watched old classics with my bestest of buds, I have eaten a Sunday roast on a Monday, and I have had my lovely Mummy and Nanny visit me! All is good. Oh apart from the fact that I am now in my... duh duh duuuuuhhhhh.... mid twenties!!!!

But let us forget about that for now. I will be measuring the rate that gravity starts to pull things down from now on, and I will keep you informed.

I am starting another internship tomorrow, which is a good way to begin. Plus, the sun is trying so very hard to shine, and I appreciate it's efforts. It is just about keeping me in England, and not forcing me to escape to a faraway land with sun, sea, sand, and hammocks. Although, it is difficult to stop thinking about those things when I keep watching Death In Paradise. I mean seriously, when has a BBC crime show ever made you want to pack up and move there? It is suprising how there is anybody left in Midsomer for example. Stop moving there!!!Have you not heard about the murders every week?!!!

Anyway, I have gone for print print print in this post. Mix it up people!

The coat was my Grandma's

The jumper is from GAP (I got it free from work!)

The skirt is from H&M.

My necklace was free from work, and I can't find where it was from!

My pumps are Keds.

My handbag is vintage.


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