
After wanting to for most of my life, I have only gone and done it! My hair is now rather an eye-catching shade of rose. Ok, so it will only be that way for a few days because let's face it, it took me long enough to grow my hair, so I'm not going to go and risk having to chop it all off if I get bored. Oh, and also, my Dad.Went.Mad (I forgot to mention it wasn't permanent when I emailed him a picture). But, I am rather enjoying it for now.

I have been thinking recently, and rather like with my Disco Pants post, I am very aware that I only have the one life, so I am determined to do things this year that I wouldn't have contemplated doing in the past. Hence why I have been into London today with my crazy new lid.

The other day (and another time since), I watched this amazing show called 'Fabulous Fashionistas'. It was so inspiring! Five amazing women, with an average age of 80, would absolutely not let the fact that they were aging defeat them. They all had their own style, and honestly didn't care what people thought. I really recommend watching it, it makes you want to start being like that now.

Leather jacket from Massimo Dutti

Whatever Top from H&M (my favourite recent purchase!)

Skirt from Harrods, found in a charity shop by my benevolent bro!
Don't be afraid to be bright when everybody else is in dull winter colours.

Shoes from New Look

The Handbag is vintage

Ring from Carcassonne, France

My hair colour is Bleach London in Rose. Bought from Boots.


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