From Cheap to Steep

This past week has definitely had it's ups and downs, with the most annoying down being my decision to quit the internship I was doing. I am not a quitter, and it really pained me to do it, but it was definitely for the best, both sanity-wise, and development-wise. Plus, the 'Phantom of the Opera ' type nature of the studio was putting me on edge: I was able to feel the presence of the woman in charge, but not actually see her!Shiver.

Anyway, enough of that. Onto the ups! I had the best day in the city yesterday. I went with a friend to the East End Vintage Clothing Store, and it was so much fun! I spent the grand total of £12 and got two sheepskin coats, 2 checked shirts, a denim shirt, and a jumper. Am-az-ing. I also unfortunately acquired a bad back, and two very sore arms. Oh, and I may not have considered the fact that I was meeting my boyfriend to walk around the Museum of London afterwards. Or did I (he carried the bags)?!

After stumbling through the underground with my hoard, we went to see a hoard of a different (much more expensive) kind: 'The Cheapside Hoard' at the Museum of London. Early in the 1900s, some workmen found almost 500 pieces of Tudor and early Stuart jewellery in a cellar, and  I thoroughly thoroughly recommend going to see it. The boyf and I had rather too much fun with the magnifying glasses that they provide (I was Moriarty, he was Sherlock. A love affair that was meant to be apparently). I can't possibly go into detail about how much my heart was racing looking at all those expensive shiny things, but those of you who know me, you can guess what I was like. Elementary.

Stay tuned for my thrifty finds!

Top from H&M
I feel like this top empowers me when I am not enjoying the attitude of certain "employers".

Leather jacket from Massimo Dutti

Skirt from ASOS

Heels from ASOS

The clutch is vintage

Knot ring from H&M, and animal print ring from Primark.

Bracelet, one of three, from ASOS


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