Rain Rain Go Away!

Rain freaks me out. It sends my style senses into a crazy muddled-up mess. Gone are the days when I used to run outside in the rain with a t-shirt on and spin around in joy. Now, I am all too aware of the frizzy reaction of my hair (it's like when cats wash behind their ears..my hair just knows), the gentle dribble of mascara down my face, and that oh so marvelous warm damp feeling around my toes when my shoes get too wet.

Fair enough if it's not windy and I can accessorise with my SJP NYC umbrella which I got free at Debenhams when I bought the perfume! But I have very bad luck with umbrellas and always seem to be the girl who is a). running down the street after her umbrella, b). being dragged backwards by the umbrella, or c). wrestling with the mangled umbrella that will just not turn the right way and then refuses to close! Sigh...

So today, as it just isn't cold enough yet to warrant trousers or "sensible" clothing, I decided to do my own version of a Sun Dance and beamed away in the brightest dress I own, my little sunshine yellow dress from H&M. I combined it with a shirt, over-the-knee socks, boots, and a trapeze bag with a black python texture.

Dress from H&M, the shirt was my Grandmas, Lexa Bag from AVON(£18),Boots from New Look.

Over-the-knee or Thigh High boots are set to be big again next season. If you don't quite dare to go there, or are strapped for cash, improvise with a flattering pair of over-the-knee socks. I get mine from Primark or Poundland or Boots usually.

This shirt is just another of the great pieces I inherited from Grandma. It has a suede look and feel, and I wear it as a different take on the Utility shirt. I am finding that oversized blouses and shirts are such a great jacket alternative in the Summer. Whether you show your curves by putting on a waist belt, or leave it and roll up the sleeves, it is a cheaper alternative to a new jacket and can be so individual.

The necklace is from Spain, and this ring is the Limited Edition Eastern Jewel Ring from ASOS (£10).


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